Island Cooperative Store

Board of Directors:

Doug Evans, president
Rachel Harris, secretary
Bill Calvert, treasurer

Tim Sawyer
Nick Filler
Mike Fedosh
Brad Jacobs
Sally Stanbury
Rita MacWilliam
Judi Burke
Jeff Runge

The Island Cooperative Store is a Consumer Coop, owned and operated by both the year-round and summer people of Isle au Haut. The Island Coop Store, independent of the Town of Isle au Haut,  is dedicated to serving all those who live and visit the island. The store is governed by its members who meet at the annual Association meeting in August when they elect the Board of Directors for the ensuing year.

Personal service is our motto and you can place orders by phone or mail before you arrive on island so that your order will be here when you arrive. ADVANCE ORDERS ARE WELCOME!

If there’s a specialty item you want, please speak to the clerk and write it down on the special orders clipboard hanging behind the checkout counter.

In 2014, we installed a Point of Sale computer system to become more efficient in ordering, accounting and inventory control. And, as you all have seen, with this new system the check-out line moves along much quicker. The Island Coop Store, in collaboration with the Congregational Church, hosts Tuesday’s Table throughout the winter months, providing a free, home-made meal to all residents. Volunteers make stews, cookies, salads and bread for everyone to come together and share.

We are always exploring new suppliers to provide fresh produce and meats. We are especially interested in nearby farms, organic growers and local sources for seafood and bread. We’re beginning a new service of providing CSA  (Community Supported Agriculture) weekly boxes of fresh produce – you can sign up now. For a quick snack, the store offers freshly steamed hot dogs, microwaveable burritos and goodies, free coffee and a variety of cold drinks and treats. We have ice! We have tick removers! We have mango sorbet, Ragged Coast Chocolates, birthday candles, rice milk and so much more! Who knows what treasures you’ll find on the coop’s shelves?

And remember to check out our inventory of hardware, tools and household supplies before calling off-island suppliers. We may have exactly what you need!